Your school has just been awarded a grant from the Panasonic Corporation.  It will allow you to  purchase  the necessary video equipment to video-tape student-produced morning video bulletins. This will replace the current system of having Mrs. Beechingham, the school secretary, read them over the public address system. Students maintain that the only thing her announcements are good for is putting them to sleep. Teachers say that they use the announcement time for additional planning, answering e-mails or grading papers.

You know, from your research, that anything that students can see and hear is more likely to be remembered than anything that they can only hear. You also know that while "the medium is not the message" (sorry, Marshall McLuhan), students are more likely to listen and remember to announcements if they are presented in a professional and entertaining manner.  Finally, the school sees this as an opportunity for students to learn a new form of communication:  the art of video production.

 This Web Quest was created as a class project for Northern Illinois University's Internet In Education Class (ETT590).  Feel free to use any part of this web quest for any purpose at any time.  Please forward any questions or comments to